Glossary of aviation terms
When you first start your training, you'll hear all sorts of random acronyms. The following glossary will give you a head start with some definitions to make sense of it all.
FAA - Federal Aviation Authority - This is the federal government organization that ensures our skies are safe. Tread carefully, the FAA can be friend or foe.
AME - Airman Medical Examiner - This is a special type of doctor specially trained to ensure you are safe to be pilot in command of an aircraft.
CFI - Certified Flight Instructor - This is a person the FAA has tested to verify they are capable of teaching student pilots.
CFII (or CFI-I) Certified Flight Instructor Instruments - this is a CFI who can teach you to fly an airplane solely by reference to instruments without looking outside the aircraft.
VFR - Visual Flight Rules - This refers to a type of flying by looking outside and flying the aircraft by referencing the ground. This is flying on a day without clouds.
IFR - Instrument Flight Rules - This refers to a type of flying solely by reference to instruments without looking outside the aircraft. This is flying in the clouds.
PTS - Practical Test Standards - These are the specific criteria that the FAA requires you to know or perform to earn the right to command an aircraft.
Part 61 - This is the Federal Air regulations for the training of airmen and airwomen.
Part 141 - This is the Federal Air regulations for a structured flight training program approved by the FAA.
172 - A four seat model of Cessna aircraft, commonly used for training
152 - A two seat model of Cessna aircraft, commonly used for training
We'll keep adding to the glossary as time goes on.